a struggle...

Suddenly i feel like being at the verge of my sanity already....
home works keep on piling up unstoppable...
whenever one is done, others come immediately afterwards...
and when i think about it again, i 'll start to ask myself..
"why is this happening to me? why couldn't i end up finishing all assignments by the end of the day?"
"silly me," and that's what the other side of me replies...
"chill up.dont let them get u down.whenever u feel down, go get ur friends, ur usrahmates or anybody to cover u up. after all it's the IB u r talking about. there's no way u can proceed to the next stage without the supports from the others.SUCCESS IS NOT A PERSONAL BELONGING."
"easy to talk.u r not the one who is feeling it. be in my shoes and u'll know how useless those babblings of urs."I said.
"submit to it then! it's not the one who falls is the failure but those who fail to get up after falling down. Rasulullah was much more troubled than u but he never gives in. he was freakin' beaten up during his first visit to Thaif but he never turns around.nobody's around to cheer him up except for the Jibrail's offer to sweep off the villagers dead but he still didn't submit to his pain. Stick to ur aim and nah, that's YOUR PATH UP UNTILL THE END."


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