well.....it seems that the holiday's going to end soon.(WHAT? ALREADY??O_o)

actually, i know, and i believe, everybody knows that this's not the first time we felt the same thing. we've been living in the system for 4 sems already, which particularly equivalent to 3 midsems breaks, and coincidentally, all of them are just before the sem exams.

maybe because of the solemn approach (and of course, nerve-wrecking to some others) of the upcoming IB final exam perhaps, the remaining one month seems to be pretty valuable. and maybe, if time is purchasable, everybody would likely spend on it right now, despite how much it might cost. erm....basically, this's how our schedule would look like for the final one month:

~next week, we're going to have some kind like an examination 'rehearsel' for maths. sounds pretty gruelling, doesn't it?haha........YES INDEED!

~2 weeks from now on, the IRP month will soon start off. particularly challenging for the grp leader...have to come up with ways to approach the grp members...it's not as easy as it sounds, really=0

~some weeks after the holiday......the mock examination will be up. certainly, they're going to give u the November session of the last year IB exams. some said that they're a lot harder than the one we, our seniors, our super seniors answer in May. how true is that?=[

~exactly the next one and a quarter month, it'll finally unveil itself. the IB exam that has always been the final battlefield of an IB student, is going to show up and clarify everything; students' will towards their dreams, and all =O

With all the foregoing points i wrote down earlier, I could come up with just this single advice to all; stop grieving over the past, and look at what lies ahead in the future-ur dreams, hopes, and everything that might have placed you here-and think of a way to achieve them.=)

tremendous amount of tasks for an offer^^

okay, just to make it straight, I've finally been offered to further my study at the Queen Uni Belfast=). well, just a conditional offer anyway, yet alhamdulillah, thank you Allah, for shining me the hope at the moment when my sanity was at its verge ^^....honestly, i was so scared, in case I'm not offered anywhere. i always know, that that's not supposed to be the way i would react, but i just can't get a hold of it, i mean, the overflowing stream of my emotion. this is the way i've been living in, and this's also the way i have always dealt with it.

again, alhamdulillah. now what's left is only the upcoming examination, which would reveal itself on the 4th of May. the first paper would be MATHS, and i don't know whether it sounds encouraging and hopeful to me, or neither or worse, the opposite of it......(!!!!!!)

i met Pn siti (my math teacher) the other day. yeah, as expected, she has exactly the same idea as mine regarding the exam schedule. she said something like "maths paper on even the 1st day is worrisome, worse if it effects the papers on the following days."(not exactly what she said, i just add on the other words based on what I understood). yet, hearing that out of her mouth, had somehow instilled some kind of 'encouragement' inside me, making me realize that I REALLY HAVE TO STUDY THE MATHS DURING THIS HOLIDAY AND SCORE IN IT. Well, this is what i was doing an hour ago, before typing in all of THESE stuffs into the blog. hopefully this spirit remains as it is thruout this remaining one week of holiday..T_T

So, reading out all of these, don't u feel like something ticking ur nerve?well, i did.

in a way, i could somehow relate this to a verse i just read through:

"Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe", and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and God will certainly know those who are true from those who are false." (al-ankabut, 29: 2-3)

the same as the foregoing situations i wrote earlier, there's only one conclusion i could come up with; iman, success, or generally things that bring about happiness, prosperity are not as easy to grasp as it seems. To be exact, sacrifices and extra efforts are undoubtedly the vital investments here.

u know, just like establishing a business, a printing business for example, the CPU itself might cost u hundreds already. yet, it's still not a printing business without the printers, isn't it? plus the printer, u may as well spend another hundreds for it!. "what a sacrifice!!", u might say. see? that's why the oldies said once; how to make an omelet without cracking the eggs in the first place?no venture no gain, bro=_=. no yet tested, shouldn't say nothing high about our own iman.

okay, that's all i can say today~~ will try to put something nicer the next time i blog up again~~